FOAM ROLLER - This particular foam roller has been recommended by chiropractors simply because it's durable, reasonably priced, and easy to get through Amazon. I don't recommend foam rolling every day, but it can be helpful for easing tension in the back, hips, and legs.
BED WEDGE - I use this wedge from Core Products in my sessions most often for pregnant women who cannot lay fully prone. It is also helpful for people with neck, back, and shoulder issues, snoring, GERD, etc. I recommend combining this wedge with a pillow or bolster under the knees.
TIGER TAIL - Hand held roller, great for ironing out adhesions in legs without having to get down on the floor.
LACROSSE BALLS - Keep one in the car and at home. It's a life saver on long car or airplane rides and easily stowed in a carry-on bag. Can be used to roll out or put pressure points on tight spots in the back, hamstrings, lower glutes, and feet. Caution, be sure not to overdo it in one spot, just spend a couple minutes on one spot at a time, then move on to the next spot. You can revisit a really tough area after it gets a little break.
DR. AXE HEALTH SITE - Dr. Axe is a doctor of chiropractic, doctor of natural medicine, and a clinical nutritionalist. His website contains loads of valuable and well organized information regarding holistic health and wellness.